Beloved show icons Freddie Slater (Bobby Brazier) and Big Mo Harris (Laila Morse) are returning to EastEnders this week after some time away.

Freddie was last seen leaving Albert Square to spend more time with his mum, Little Mo Slater (Kacey Ainsworth), after being released on bail. This came after an attack on stalker Theo Hawthorne (William Ellis).

This exit was conjured up to allow Bobby Brazier to take part in the 2023 series of Strictly Come Dancing as well as a number of other big projects.

Big Mo has been absent from Walford for much longer, leaving the area after Kat's failed wedding to Phil Mitchell in 2022.

Big Mo is the grandmother of Kat (Jessie Wallace) and was introduced alongside the rest of the Slater family in 2000.

She was a regular on the BBC soap opera until 2012 but continued to make appearances for years.

Freddie Slater and Big Mo Harris to return to EastEnders this week

In upcoming BBC EastEnders scenes, Alfie Moon (played by Shane Richie) notices intruders in his home and whips out a toy baseball bat to fight them off. However, he quickly realises it's Freddie and Mo.

While the family is delighted to have them home, Freddie soon discovers that because Kay and her kids are now living in No. 5D, he will have to move into the already crowded No. 31.

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As residents begin to gossip about a potential reunion between Kat and Alfie, Freddie will feel inclined to give them a chance.

It has also been suggested that Freddie will have some relationship issues of his own with photos showing the character acting surprised at Bobby Beale (Clay Milner-Russell) and Anna Knight (Molly Rainford) kissing outside of the Vic.

Both boys had a crush on Anne last year but after she found out that she had a mutual half-brother with Bobby, she moved on to Freddie.