If you are a keen movie fan and you find yourself out and about in London this summer. I would recommend that you look out for the 'State of the Art of Cinema' movie poster exhibitions. 

The Film Distributors' Association (FDA) have organised a number of free admission exhibits with selected galleries to show how powerful and effective movie posters can be and how designers can convey the Want-to-see Factor in one creative image.

Although their purpose can be unashamedly commercial, many poster designs have become part of 'Pop Art' and are now collectors items. This exhibition shows many of the current and up and coming designs that will no doubt be the collectables of the future. However, there is also a section displaying some classic black and white photographs of an age gone by.

Quite often we find that the best movie posters that have immediate impact are the simplest with the 'less is more' effect. We can all associate with the original Jaws poster (even with a ridiculously over-sized shark), the Alien egg with strap line "In space no one can hear you scream" and the no entry Ghostbusters logo.

The exhibits are categorised under Heroes & Superheroes, Britain on Screen, Suspense, Dramatic Twists & Turns, Comedy and Family Animation.

The State of the Art Cinema launch night was premiered at the Getty Images Gallery in Eastcastle Street and was introduced by FDA's favourite friend Alex Zane and Great British Bake Off presenter Sue Perkins. It turns out that Sue is an avid collector of film posters...who knew?


For more information log on to www.moviepreviewnetwork.com