The author of Captain Corelli's Mandelin will star as the narrator of Sunday Morning at the Centre of the World.

It is the only play Louis de Bernières has written, which promises audiences a multi-sensory theatrical experience.

In this unique show half of the audience will be blindfolded for the duration of the performance.

They will experience the play through hearing the dialogue, as well as live sound effects, smell and touch.

The rest of the audience will watch this played out in front of them as a performance within a performance, witnessing the effects and the audience's reactions.

Bernières originally wrote the play to be broadcast by BBC Radio Three in 1999, citing his influence from Dylan Thomas' Under Milk Wood.

It pays homage to the time the writer lived in Earlsfield and it has never been performed by a professional cast.

Sunday Morning at the Centre of the World, Battersea Arts Centre, Lavender Hill, from now until March 24. Bernières will appear in the role of narrator on March 24.

8.30pm, Tickets £12, conc £8, visit