A council employee is building up the courage to have his legs waxed on Saturday for charity.

Ed Vanson, 36, who works for Surrey County Council, said he is getting his ‘quite hairy’ legs waxed to raise money for the British Heart Foundation.

The leg waxing is taking place at his sister’s beauty salon Aldabella, in Epsom High Street, at 1pm.

Mr Vanson said: "I’m under no illusions: this is going to hurt me.

"But if it raises money and does some good then it’s all worth it."

Mr Vanson said he chose the brilliant charity because some friends and family have heart problems.

The leg wax is part of a bigger fundraising challenge that involves him running the whole length of the Thames and the London marathon.

It is taking place during the salon’s Christmas open day at the weekend.

Mr Vanson added: "I’m the entertainment or freak show if you want to call it that."

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