Help is on hand for Elmbridge residents who have a cold-related illness and need help heating and insulating their homes.

Foundations, national body for home improvement agencies and handyperson services, has joined up with Npower’s Health Through Warmth scheme to help people whose health is worsened by cold living conditions, due to poor heating and insulation.

Illnesses which can be greatly affected by cold living conditions include respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, arthritis, terminal illness, mental health problems and mobility difficulties.

Homeowners who have a cold-related illness and no heating or broken heating appliances may be eligible for funding to install, fix or replace heating equipment.

Financial help is also available for cavity wall, loft insulation and draught proofing for existing doors and windows.

Other requirements to qualify include a low household income with little or no savings and inability to pay for the work.

For more information and to apply, visit