By Anne O'Donoghue, via email

A year ago I wrote about Merton councillors pushing controlled parking across Tooting.

This was supposedly led by residents but in reality was wanted by a minority. I predicted with my crystal ball that this would push the controlled parking zones further and further.

Bit by bit this is happening.

As predicted residents just park in non-CPZ roads, leaving the CPZ roads empty and of course councillors then need to recoup costs in setting and monitoring this.

To be honest no crystal ball was needed to see that this would happen. Most residents saw it coming.

Now here we are again roads that have no problems with parking are suddenly being told there is a 'consultation'.

This consists of a leaflet through the door asking residents to make their views known. No vote.

Many residents say they have not received any information. One resident told me that a tokenistic meeting was held on a street corner one winter's evening.

It was attended by a handful of people. It seems that most residents were not aware of this meeting or any other consultation.

I must say we are getting used to the lack of interest in local affairs by councillors.

Sadly I know what the outcome of this will be and with my crystal ball I will say that Merton will allow CPZ to creep on and on.

Costing residents an additional £90 a year on top off the already high taxes. More taxing times.

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