By John London, via email

I am shocked to read the story about what appears to be discrimination against a gay couple attempting entry to a venue (Edwards Bar), who were refused, the reason apparently being 'it was couples night'.

As the gay couple pointed out, they were indeed a couple, "Edwards" then appears to change their version of events, claiming their policy is based on gender and gender ratios.

Either way, there appears to be some element of discrimination here, either based on sexuality or gender.

Is it fair to be refused entry to a bar for no other reason than your gender or because the individual you are with is of the 'wrong' sex?

Both of course are wrong and unfair reasons to refuse entry and also illegal under equality legislation, either based on sexuality or gender.

I've always found Merton to be a very tolerant place and accepting place to live and incidents like these are thankfully quite rare.

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