Self appointed Crystal Palace spokesman John Payne states that the future looks bleak now that the last major athletics  meeting  has been pulled from the stadium (Question Mark hangs over Stadium Future, January 30).

What a contadiction! He speaks for about fifty people, who oppose Crystal Palace football club returning to its spiritual home at Crystal Palace park.

The majority of people would welcome the re generation that the club would bring, maybe being a lever for the tram to be extended.

Many other entrepenuers are put off investing in the area by this minority group who would bog them down in litigation and judicial reviews.

Come on lets get real the area needs to surge forward not to stagnate as it has since the great fire of 1936.

Can the majority be listened to for once? Are you hearing this Steve Parrish? Fooball fans and non fans alike we need and welcome you.

Phillip Kenny
Upper Norwood