Like Councillor Julie Morris, I too am a resident of Epsom and am sad to see its decline - but is there really a will to do anything about it?

Getting in to Epsom from Sutton or Kingston is a nightmare. As soon as you hit East Street you come to a stop because of the traffic. As Councillor Morris points out we have an A road running through it. So why and who thought it was a good idea to have a bus stand outside Santander? Traffic has to squeeze past, causing a bottle neck immediately.

Chaos ensues when an ambulance or fire engines needs to get through. Surely the buses can wait somewhere off the A24.

Another bottleneck is for traffic coming from Waterloo Road to the traffic lights.

Yet again a bus stop and lorries unloading - despite a hugely wide pedestrian area.

If three cars manage to get through the lights it's a miracle. Why couldn't a cut-in be made so buses and lorries can actually park and not inhibit the traffic?

Likewise that monstrously boring area outside Ebbisham Library. Why not turn the area into a covered market, freeing the High Street.

I have no doubt all these suggestions will be ignored.

Sometimes I wonder if people who plan Epsom are work experience wallahs who have only worked with Lego and certainly don't live in the town! You only have to look at the Station Approach development - an utter travesty.

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