By Alan Hutchings, Mitcham Cricket Green Community and Heritage

I have often said that the present market at Mitcham Fair Green was a failure, drab and uninteresting.

However, last Thursday, the St. Valentine's Day market promotion was a great success.

The day was run as a combined effort between Future Merton (Merton Council), Studio Weave architects, London Sustainability Exchange and local community champions.

Well done to all of them.

All the stalls, both regular and new traders, had the same livery and looked the part of a successful market.

I know as I was part of one of the stalls promoting our local photographic organisation, Mitcham Camera Club.

The footfall was very good, proving the point that you don't need a new bus lane that allegedly would bring in an extra 6,000 people a day.

The footfall is already there; all that is needed is a good quality market selling what people want at the right prices.

This week there is a fun fair on the green which, if was competing for the space with a market, would leave no room left for this idea of the bus lane.

So please councillors, concentrate on what is best for the Fair Green: a good, well-controlled market, space for public entertainment like a funfair, smarter shop fronts and a brighter and cleaner Mitcham town centre.

It can all be done without the unwanted bus lane. It has already been partially done on last Thursday.

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