The more I read from UKIP these days the more I think they must have been planted by pro European forces to ensure the assimilation of the UK into the EU.

Take the letter from the UKIP deputy chairman in last week’s Guardian. The author clearly doesn’t want the referendum being offered by the Conservatives. Instead of encouraging people to grasp the only opportunity being offered by a major party to actually vote for UK independence, he argues that his presumption that any negotiations with Europe will fail is a reason to not have the referendum.

Does he not understand that such a situation would work in his favour, because if the UK failed to get an acceptable deal there is a good chance the country would vote to leave?

Take also UKIP’s "People’s front of Judea" vs "The Judean people’s front" attitude to the Conservatives - the author didn’t once mention the far more Europhile parties. It seems, and has been confirmed in other forums, that UKIP really does want to split the centre right vote, resulting in Labour and Lib Dem victories. A Lib-Lab coalition would of course be the most Europhile Government the UK could possibly have and may even result in us joining the Euro. Perhaps then UKIP would have actually done its real job.

Simon Densley