Traders are getting lessons in how to spot underage drinkers and smokers.

Sutton Council is helping shopkeepers know when people are under 18, identify fake IDs and understand the law around underage sales.

As part of the council's Health Responsibility deal, traders in North Cheam, Church Hill Road and Stonecot Hill were invited to take part in the lessons.

Worcester Park woman Ushma Amin, who owns Londis of North Cheam, said: "It really refreshed my memory, it was very helpful. My original training was so long ago that it’s nice to have everything explained again.

"I think it’s great for the local community. I’ve owned this shop and worked here for more than 20 years. This is my area and I’m happy that the council are taking measures to protect it."

Councillor Richard Clifton, lead member for revenues and benefits, added: "This project is a great example of Sutton Council working proactively to protect the health and wellbeing of our young people.

"By discouraging anti-social behaviour, this project helps preserve the character of the area and ensures that Cheam remains a beautiful place to live."