By Mike Tilcock, Pollards Hill

Everyday there are literally dozens of learner drivers practicing their driving (three-point turns, reversing around a corner etc) in the streets of the old estate.

Bear in mind there are two bus routes using Yorkshire Road and Carisbrooke Road.

Buses are often delayed and I have seen several near misses with parked cars and other close calls.

I recently saw two residents of Ramones Terrace get very agitated as a learner came within half an inch of their parked car.

I don’t think any of the learners are residents of Pollards Hill and some of the driving schools seem to be from miles away.

There is no respite from this: it starts early in the morning and goes on all day. I have even seen driving school cars here on Boxing Day.

You would not put up with it in your roads and I see no reason why Pollards Hill residents should either.

Maybe if all of the old estate was made a "Home Zone" then it might help.

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