I think that it was an act of extreme foolishness on the part of the Governors and the Headmaster of Trinity School, in Shirley Park to permit the head of drama, Andrew Godfrey, to hire very realistic guns for use in a play.

The money spent on them could have been better spent elsewhere in the school.

Dozens of young people have been killed and continue to be killed by guns in this country, particularly in Croydon and surrounding boroughs.

The police have set up a special task force to stop the use of guns and yet Trinity School stages a play where young boys parade about with imitation guns of the types that are used by the special forces of many countries.

A photograph has been published of a group of boys who took part in the play holding these imitation guns.

The weapons that some of the young boys are holding, high-powered, semi-automatic assault rifles, appear identical to the weapon that was used to slaughter 20 children at Sandy Hook School in America.

Shame on all the parents and all the staff who were aware that these imitation weapons were going to be used in the staging of the play A vast amount of public money has been spent on measures to prevent the young from carrying any type of dangerous weapon that seem to be of no concern to Trinity School.

Alan Crawley via email