The exaggerated and insulting language used by A Hayward in the letter ‘Tories hatred for the unemployed’ does not help matters.

Hayward claims that ‘Tory cronies’ have a ‘pathological hatred for the unemployed’ who he believes are being deliberately demonised, but he offers only evidence of policies aimed at those who deliberately misuse the benefits system.

His claim that one should not ‘pick on the unemployed’ but ‘pick’ instead on those considered a lot richer is pointless, as those who are a lot richer support themselves and are therefore not part of the unemployment issue anyway.

Hayward’s long and emotional letter seems triggered by his recent admitted court appearance and given his long list of prejudices, one might guess he would indeed vote communist as he now threatens. Perhaps he might care to look into the final results of communism on Russian unemployment before he does so?

Paul J.
Weighell Purley