I am gobsmacked by the number of people who commit an offence by turning left out of B&Q car park. It is clearly marked no left turn.

I have two young children at school in Belmont and, twice a day, I make the journey from home at the bottom of Sutton up to school. I turn into Manor Park Road and, as the lights go green for me, they go green at the same time for people leaving B&Q car park. At least three times a week, I am nearly hit by people leaving the car park and making an illegal left turn.

It is amazing that people are willing to do this with Sutton police station just across the road. Why do the police not install a camera to record this? When the lights go green at Manor Park Road, the first thing I now do is check if there is a car making an illegal left turn.

It is only a matter of time before there is a serious accident.

Gill Ingle