One of Sutton’s social housing blocks has undergone a £2.5m makeover.

The investment in Balaam House in Collingwood Road, West Sutton, was unveiled yesterday in a celebration with Sutton’s mayor, Sean Brennan.

The 1960s block has been transformed with new windows, improved insulation and security.

The building’s new external cladding system is the first of its type being used for social housing.

Katrina and Martin Robinson were the first residents to receive the changes to their 15th floor flat.

Mrs Robinson, 49, said: “It’s made a world of difference. We live up on the top floor and used to get terrible problems with the wind and rain. Now we don’t hear anything and the damp problem has cleared up too.

“It’s so much better here now. Local kids can’t get into the building with the door swipes and there is generally just a better feel about the whole block.”

Councillor Jayne McCoy, chair of the housing, economy and business committee said: “It’s great to see the new look Balaam House in all its glory.

“We are dedicated to providing social housing to those in need and this refurbishment shows our commitment to this.”

Sutton Housing Partnership chief executive Andrew Taylor said: “Tenants at Balaam House have been waiting for these improvements for some time now and to hear one resident tell a member of our team that they now feel happy and proud bringing visitors to the estate is a testament to the difference the Decent Homes investment is making.”

The project has been completed in partnership with between the council, Sutton Housing Partnership, and developer Mulalley.