A mother who successfully fought for a change in European law after her son was nearly killed by a gang in Greece is now in the running to become a member of the European Parliament.

Maggie Hughes, from Wallington, has made the short list of ten Labour party candidates who will vie to become one of the party's hopefuls for the European Parliament elections in May 2014.

Five years ago Ms Hughes's son, former Sutton United and Croydon Athletic footballer Robbie Hughes, was set upon by four men while on holiday in Crete.

Several life saving operation later, Mr Hughes was well enough to give evidence at his assailants' trial last year and see them convicted.

Ms Hughes fought tirelessly to get the men to trial and overcame every boundary in her way and now she is hoping the same tenacity will get her a job in Brussels.

Last year, members of the European Parliament approved her victims of crime abroad bill in Strasbourg which gave victims more help with language and local law when faced with a terrifying situation like the Hughes' faced.

Ms Hughes, said: "I might not have years of political experience, but what I do have is a lifetime of experience. I have shown that I can stand up and make people listen. I represent 'Joe Public', I'm a mum, and a carer.

"I didn't become interested in politics until quite late, when it was thrust upon me after Robbie's attack and everything changed."

It is not only the victims of crime whom Ms Hughes wants to fight for, as she and her son Robbie have been carers during their lives.

She said: "There needs to be more done for carers. The benefit is £58 a week for full time a work. That's not a benefit, it's a smack in the face."

"Politicians need to listen to the public more. When I was going through all that with Robbie I refused to take no for an answer, I didn't know where to go but I used my instincts and didn't give up. I want to help people do the same."