A Mortlake benefit cheat who falsely claimed more than £6,500 in council tax benefit has been fined and handed a community order.

Andrew Howard Smith, from Thames Bank in Mortlake, was caught out by council officers and the Department for Work and Pensions after he continued to claim benefits despite having more than £16,000 of undeclared savings.

Councillor Geoffrey Samuel, cabinet member for finance and deputy leader at Richmond Council, said: “Once again we have succeeded in exposing a benefit cheat.

"Benefit cheats be warned – we will leave no stone unturned in rooting out fraudulent claims.

“Our main aim is to protect the public purse and ensure that financial help is available for those who truly deserve and are entitled to it.

“All benefit theft is crime and this council is determined to bring fraudsters to justice.”

Smith, who was overpaid £6,868 in council tax benefit, received a community order for 12 months of 100 hours unpaid work and was ordered to pay legal costs of £1,880 after he pleaded guilty to the charge.

Coun Samuel said: “This case demonstrates how important it is to make sure you tell the council and the Department for Work and Pensions if there are any changes in your circumstances which will affect your entitlement to benefits.

“If you don’t, you will get found out and we will prosecute.”