What a pity. I had seen Mr Barwell a number of times on TV and had just got around to thinking he might be a half-decent sort of fellow despite being a Tory, when he had to spoil the image.

The Chancellor called last month’s budget a budget “for the aspiring”, which I suppose at least covered those who want to work but, for one reason or another, cannot.

However, Mr Barwell gave the game away in his constituency newsletter by calling it a budget “to help people who work hard”.

In other words, he and his party are still hell-bent on appealing to the nastier “I don’t see why any of my hard-earned money should go to them” brigade.

I should advise him though, a penny off a pint of beer and other such trivial giveaways are hardly likely to change the views of ordinary people.

Certainly, those on large incomes will benefit greatly, but, taking inflation into account we are now experiencing, the vast majority of the electorate – those who work extremely hard as well as those whose lifestyle does not quite meet this standard – will be worse off after this latest budget. And the divisive language used to present it is likely to put off those who might have been inclined to vote Tory despite the Chancellor’s lack of largesse.

And another thought. How much better and more inclusive the shorter title “a budget for all” would have sounded.

Fred Litten


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