After setting up and running a good-as-new sale for 37 years, the founder has retired.

Pat Fairmiloe, of Chestnut Avenue, Weston Green, retired at the sale held at Esher College on May 4, and to thank her for all her hard work volunteers presented her with a cake and donations.

With the help of about 70 volunteers, Mrs Farmiloe has played a part in raising £100,000 for Cancer Research UK.

Volunteer Felicity Leicester said: “It went so well, Pat was in tears. We managed to keep it a secret until the coffee break time and cake.”

Mrs Fairmiloe started the sales in her own house when her children were young, so residents could access cheap, good quality clothes, equipment and assist with recycling.

The sales have expanded in the past 37 years and are now held at Esher College, with rooms filled with different goods.