Racing sardines and a tug of war between ancient ‘clans’ saw off the finale of the Surbiton Food Festival.

The community sports day and teddy bear’s picnic took place with wacky races and a massive family picnic on Saturday at the Victoria Recreation Ground. Lucas Heathcote, who visited from Shoreham Beach, said: “I am loving it.

"The races are always a riot and without the races it is just a bunch of concession stands in a field.”

The day featured sporting events such as relay and a tug of war, all with a twist imagined by the group behind the Surbiton Ski Sundays.

Alex Stacey said: “The sardine race was hysterical. It has been brilliant. It is a great family event and we loved the story-time.”

Rike Jones said: “It is lovely. It is our first time here.

"I think our highlights have been the ambulance and the juggling. And I think Little Sister Blue, the band were amazing.”

Robin Hutchinson, of the Community Brain, said: “I think the sardine relay and the egg and spoon races were brilliant.

"The music has been absolutely fabulous.”