As a Muslim, I am forced to look on the past few weeks with anger and disbelief.

I have now given up trying to apologise for Lunatics in the name of Islam. These people are neither Muslims nor have they ever acted in the name of Islam. They are criminals and should be treated as the criminals that they are, nothing more nothing less.

Like all extremists, their main aim and motivation is to divide society and cause chaos amongst people.

But they have never bargained on the people of London. I am so glad to be a Londoner because Londoners have shown that they are resilient and can see and ignore extremism from both far left and far right.

It is not surprising that the English Defence league thought the best thing to do, as a reaction to the barbaric killing of the soldier on Wednesday, was to take to the streets and attack whatever comes their way.

That was unfortunate but that is the reaction you get from a lunatic right when lunatic left idiots creates the atmosphere for them to so act.

So who are these people? It is a fact that the two mad idiots who killed the soldier were both born and raised in this country, they were educated in this country, and they are as British as anyone else.

The same point will apply to those so-called Pakistani Muslims who were involved in those horrific criminal activities against those poor helpless children.

Again what you must remember is that all of those who were arrested and subsequently found guilty and sentenced for those offences were born in this country; none of them came from abroad, they are all Bristish and the only culture they know is a British culture.

The question therefore is why would young people born in this country resort to behaving in such a nasty way and indeed, how to stop British born children growing up and becoming the monsters that these young men have become?

It has nothing to do with religion and certainly not the Muslim religion, because there is nothing in Islam that allows a believer to behave the way these people have behaved.

There must be something more deep-seated and by trying to dismiss their behaviour as purely religious is being disingenuous and ignoring reality and that powers that be must wake up to act as soon as possible.

The press can also help in this light. When the first news started coming about the death of that poor soldier, the BBC's Nick Robinson said the killers were of “Muslim appearance”.

Anyone seen those guys on televison will never guess they were Muslims. They looked like any ordinary young men going to any night club or rave in London. There was nothing 'Muslim' about their appearance. 

During my time as a worker in one of HM Prisons in London, I noted that over 95 per cent of paedophiles were white males, usually middle age.

Nearly all the serial killers were white and most of those arrested by the Saville police are white.

But the press has never made any issue about the fact that they are all white or Christians.

By emphasising the religion of criminals because they are Muslims, instead of simply describing them as criminal is moving the goal post. Gavin Barwell the able Member of Parliament for Croydon Central has emphasised this point and I hope people with listen to his very sensible comments on this issue.

I believe the killing of that soldier must be condemned by all of us that call ourselves Muslims with no excuse or reservations. Those who have committed that barbaric act must face the full force of the law and if convicted must spend the rest of their lives and rot in jail and afterwards they will rot in hell.

Religion has nothing to do with it. Thank God the people of London are able to separate and see the difference.

Kai Pokawa 

Muslim and community Activist Croydon

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