This swarm of bees have caused quite a stir in Croydon today.

Eagle-eyed worker Mark Wass spotted the bees after an email was sent round his work telling people to close their windows.

Mr Wass, who works for Laboratory News magazine in Croydon, went down to the car park at Davis House, Robert Street, to see where the bees were coming from.

He found the swarm of bees covering a bike in the car park which belonged to a woman at work.

Mr Wass said: “It wasn’t scary but it was certainly unusual. I was able to get quite close to them and take pictures on my phone.

“The bees were pretty chilled out and happy to buzz about the bike. It caused quite a few people to gather round and have a look.”

Tony Drakeford, the Croydon Guardian's resident nature expert, said he could only think of one logical reason why the bees would be flocking around the bike in such a way.

He said: “It could be that the Queen bee might have flown and landed on the bike, and all her followers try to get round her.

“I remember a few years ago I had a similar situation when a Queen bee had flown the nest and was flying towards me and it landed on a tree with all the other bees following her.

“I can only think that it is a swarm following their Queen.”

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