Police will teach people how not to fall victim to tricksters at an event next week.

Officers will be on hand at Sutton Community Safeguarding Awareness Day to tell people how to avoid bogus doorstep callers and telephone tricksters.

Also available will be representatives from other agencies including Sutton Council's trading standards team.

Police officers will be highlighting scam mail and the ‘courier fraud scam’ - where a bogus caller pretends to be from a bank, asks for a PIN and arranges for the bank card to be picked up by an unwitting taxi company.

Cash is then removed from the customer’s account.

Event organiser,  Sergeant Suzannah James, said: "The event is aimed at helping the whole community work together to keep vulnerable friends, relatives and neighbours safe."

All are welcome at the Europa Gallery, Sutton Library, Civic Offices on Wednesday 12 June from 10am to 4pm.