Residents grilled Surrey Police chief Kevin Hurley over the burning issues in Elmbridge last week.

More than 100 turned out at Esher’s Civic Centre for the crime summit on June 12 where antisocial behaviour, antisocial driving and cold-calling were among the subjects discussed.

Speaking after the event, Mr Hurley said: “It can only be a good thing for the leaders from the police, councils and other public services to get together with the public.

“By not ignoring problems in their community and by taking the time to discuss how we can do something about them, Elmbridge’s residents and public servants are demonstrating zero-tolerance in action.

“Together we can make Elmbridge a better, safer place to live and work.”

The event also included presentations from Mr Hurley, Surrey Police borough commander David Hollingsworth and Elmbridge Council chief executive Robert Moran.