Hello, ah yes, come in, do sit down. Now, I understand you want to join our group United Against Fascism While Basking In Our Own False Piety About How Non-Racist We Are?

OK, if I could ask you a few simple questions. Firstly, do you rightly condemn fascist Nick Griffin but are always somewhere else when fascist Anjem Choudary is saying gays should be stoned to death?

Secondly, do you have a fundamental misunderstanding of the word “racist”? Are you keen, for instance, to throw that word around if a newspaper reports on a local community reacting to a travellers’ site?

Do you think that when, say, negative events happen to elective minorities such as travellers, they should not be reported?

Do you agree that news and opinion you don’t agree with should be censored?

You do? Great.

Do you agree – on zero evidence – that printing a news story that does not reflect well on a particular minority causes racism?

And do you confuse religion (basically a set of beliefs, or, as the sane man would venture, a load of old nonsense) with race? On a regular basis.

Do you have a sense of entitlement to police the opinions of others – naturally leading to a form of censorship unacceptable to those who actually understand how free societies work?

Great stuff. Welcome aboard!