Open letter to Boris Johnson, Mayor of London

I am very sorry to say that you have lost my vote and trust forever.

You cowardly left the final decision to someone else for the Beddington Lane incinerator while you were on holiday - that's the action of a coward.

I am not surprised but very disappointed in you - shame on you.

Previously I would have voted for you 100 per cent: if and when you would have run for the Tory leadership and ultimately for Prime Minister.

Now if you were on fire I would not you know what.

Don't think for a single second that those blighted by your actions will forgive or forget what you have done. Ever.

I know my vote is absolutely nothing to you, but what you have done to us is with us and all local residents for years to come.

Who do you really think they will point the finger at? You.

Richard Long
Commonside East, Mitcham