Thousands of youngsters are set to get a free hot school meal from next September.

Almost seven thousand children in the borough will receive a free school lunch following an announcement by the coalition government. .

The measure, which will save families £400 a year per child, will see reception classes, year 1 and year 2 get free school meals, At the same time, the government is set to extend free school meals to disadvantaged students in further education and sixth form colleges.

Free school meals are currently available only for eligible students at school sixth forms.

Mr Brake said: "During the course of a year, the average family spends £400 on lunches for children at infant school. Free lunches will put pounds back in the pockets of working parents and give every child the chance in life that they deserve, making for a fairer society."

Universal free school meals for primary school pupils were a key recommendation in a recent review of school food produced independently for the Department for Education.

The review found that, in pilots where all children had been given a free school dinner, students were academically months ahead of their peers elsewhere and more likely to eat vegetables at lunchtime