Bravo to our brave GPs who followed their conscience last week to protect patients rather than bow to the considerable pressures of the BSBV machine.

Bravo also to everyone who has stood up again and again in recent months to protect Epsom Hospital.

Once again, by working together, we have seen off a major threat to the health of our families and this community.

This is indeed a time for celebration.

But let's not kid ourselves that the hospital is saved. Huge forces are at work within the NHS and elsewhere which make change inevitable.

The status quo is not an option.

What this victory has done is buy us a breathing space, precious months that everyone concerned with local health must seize to develop a credible alternative plan which has popular support.

Either we seize this chance to shape our future or a future we do not want will be forced upon us.

I know which one I want, and pledge that the Epsom Guardian will continue to do what it can to help ensure the best possible outcome.