A third of customers at Kingston’s John Lewis store are doing their shopping online, the managing director of the company said during a visit to the store on Friday, writes Fran Ivens.

Andy Street said: “This area is leading the country in internet sales.

"We believe people will use the shops and online together, coming in to look and then making their purchase online.”

Mr Street also took the chance to be pictured with the Bear and the Hare from the £7m Disney-style John Lewis Christmas advert. The advert also features Lilly Allen’s rendition of Keane’s Somewhere Only We Know.

He said: “What people think Christmas should be about, we have connected with people on that.”

Richard Marks, branch supervisor, said: “The first day it was released someone was in store buying the toys. It has really captured the public’s imagination.”

Mr Street also praised the £7m store refurbishment which he said had led to the creation of 50 jobs.