I recently attended the Remembrance Service at the Memorial in Carshalton, and I have to report that the whole process was a shambles.

The clergy took the high ground at the back of the memorial garden while the massed ranks of the general public gathered around the memorial itself, add one very dodgy PA system and I’m afraid it was a case of them (the clergy) and us, we couldn’t hear a thing.

A remedy for this farcical situation and for the sake of good order and military discipline would be to have cadets acting as stewards to usher visitors into the garden and have the Padre conducting the service from the middle surrounded by his flock.

This would mean that people could take an active part in the proceedings, those who wanted to lay wreathes could gain unimpeded access to the memorial and the route in and out would remain clear.

Since the vandalism to our Memorial occurred there has been increased interest in attending the Service of Remembrance at the ponds, maybe now we need to appoint a parade marshal to ensure the smooth running of the event.

Wilf Jones, via email