The NHS is encouraging people to make blood donations to save the lives of pregnant women and new mothers.

In the run-up to Mother’s Day, on March 30, NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) is highlighting how donated blood is often used to help new mums and their babies.

An NHSBT spokesman said: "Blood is vital for a wide variety of procedures in hospitals. 

"One important, often urgent and life-saving way it is used, is for pregnant women or new mothers experiencing severe bleeds. 

"Premature babies often also need blood transfusions to replace the blood that is taken for testing as they struggle to make new blood cells in the first few weeks after birth.

"Around 6 per cent of blood used in hospitals is for maternity care so people from Epsom and Ewell are being urged to think about new mums and their babies around Mother’s Day and make a date to give blood."

John Canning, NHCBT’s lead donor relations manager for the South East, added: "We are regularly contacted by grateful young mothers who owe their lives to blood donors after receiving transfusions during childbirth.

"So rest assured, you really can make a difference and help to save a life simply by going along to a local session here in Epsom and Ewell."

Blood donation sessions will be held at Bourne Hall, in Spring Street, Ewell, on Friday, March 21 from 1.30pm to 4pm and 7pm to 7.30pm.

Anyone aged between 17 and 65, weighing more than 50 kg or 7st 12lbs, and in general good health, can donate blood. 

There is no upper age limit for donors who have donated in the last two years.

For more information call 0300 1232 323 or click here.