The sun shone, terriers raced, children sang and danced and a May Queen was crowned on Saturday.

Thousands of merrymakers turned out for a joyous procession and fayre to celebrate May in Walton-on-the-Hill.

Yzanne Pepper, 11, who attends St Andrew's Catholic School in Leatherhead, was carried by tractor and crowned during the Walton-on-the-Hill May Pageant.

Victoria Lord, who sits on the organising committee, said there were pony rides, birds of prey and more than 50 stalls.

Mrs Lord: "It was absolutely fabulous, one of our biggest. The weather helped contribute to a wonderful traditional May fayre atmosphere. We always focus on families and children."

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Beatles tribute by Bramley School.

The day boasted maypole dancing, cheerleading, a dog show, a raffle and children’s entertainment.

It was held in aid of Home-Start Epsom, Ewell and Banstead, Papillon House School and the Yippee club in Redhill.

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Eva Pincham walks Yogi, a contestant in a dog show

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Harry Thornback on a bungee trampoline

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Mary Morgan and Lesley Galton

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May Queen Yzanne Pepper