While I would agree with D Banda (Letters, February 7) that Croydon needs a swimming pool, I do not agree that Waddon is forgotten.

It is not a huge estate and to get to Croydon Library (one of the best in the country) would only require D Banda to walk a few yards to Purley Way.

There you can find a stop for buses travelling into Croydon. Also, I believe a mobile library goes to Duppas School which also is within walking distance from Foss Avenue. There are gyms and fitness clubs in Purley Way and I'm sure a few inquiries could locate other groups - perhaps at the local church?

I lived on the Waddon estate in my childhood and never felt we were lacking. My sisters live on the estate and at the age of 75 walk into Croydon.

May I venture to suggest this person uses their legs a little more?

J DANIELS Address supplied