As a pensioner, I heartily agree with the letter from R McPhail.

However, with regard to council tax, pensioners can do something. There is an organisation already fighting' this cause. This is the Isitfair' Campaign, free to join, non-political and funded purely by voluntary donations.

The mainstay of its argument is, as R McPhail pointed out, pensioners and others on a fixed income are paying more as a proportion of their income on council tax than others without these constraints.

I suggest all pensioners, contact Isitfair' and find out more for themselves. As was mentioned in the article, seven million pensioners vote and numbers do influence politicians.

Ways to contact Isitfair' are via or write to Isitfair Campaign, Willow Cottage, Church Lane, Headley, Hampshire, GU35 8PJ.

MR A PEGLEY Collingwood Road Sutton