A vicar stunned his congregation when, instead of passing round the collection plate, he handed out £1,600 in cash.

The Reverend Stuart Lee, of St Matthew's Church in Durham Road, Raynes Park, gave every worshipper an envelope containing a £20 note from church funds at the end of last Sunday's service.

He is now hoping his flock will come up with ingenious ways to make the money multiply.

For his surprise gift was not an act of generosity, but an attempt to raise funds for repairs to the church roof and brickwork.

He said: "Contrary to popular belief, churches don't have a big stash of cash. I'm fed up with asking people for money, and the sort of things we need it for are not very exciting.

"A member of my congregation suggested doing this as something a bit different. I didn't think I'd be brave enough, but they convinced me."

Rev Lee was inspired by the parable of the talents, in which a king gives money to three of his servants and asks them to use the cash to increase his wealth.

He is hopeful the money will be used to help the church rather than being squandered, but has left the choice up to his parishioners' own consciences.

"I decided to take a bit of a leap of faith and put trust in the congregation," he said.

So far, the plan seems to be working, and fundraising ideas are pouring in.

Some churchgoers have suggested hiring a wallpaper stripper to rent themselves out as a decorator. Another has proposed spending the money on holding a pastry-eating contest.

Parishioner Sally Kean-Hammerson, who plans to use the cash to hold an auction, said: "When I got the envelope, I just thought it was something to do with Mother's Day. The money was a complete surprise, but it makes a change from May fairs and cake sales, and I think it will lead to friendly competition between us."

Rev Lee hopes to raise up to £10,000 from the project.