There’s an advert on TV that makes you decide whether graffiti is art or vandalism and that got me thinking about this article. Is the, graffiti in our community art or vandalism? I think it’s a question which has lots of different opinions from different generations. For my article this month, I asked this question to four people all from different generations, one of my friends, my older brother, my friend’s mum and my Nan. They all have different opinions on my question.

My friend said; “I think that graffiti is both art and vandalism, vandalism because it is damaging the environment but art, because people can express their feelings through graffiti as well.”

My older brother responded; “It’s vandalism, because there are better ways to show off artistic talent than on people’s fences and the street.”

My friend’s mum answered; “It’s vandalism, when the people that have done the graffiti haven’t asked permission for it to be done. When you have permission, it’s fine. “ My Nan said;” I think it’s vandalism unless you can read it, then it’s alright but, most of it is just scribbling on people’s walls and on the street.”

Personally, I think it can be both but overall vandalism, because half the time it’s not wanted. What do you think?

Georgina Connaughton, Year 9, Glenthorne High School