Media is most probably the cause of many health problems occurring in teenagers. It is often mentioned about violence on TV and games that cause the violence of children today. However did anyone think about the other influence? I’m talking about becoming anorexic just to be like your favourite supermodel or celebrity. The youngest anorexic is eight years old. Alex Ceci (a Glenthorne pupil) had this to say on the matter, ‘Eight years old, at this age girls should be playing with their Barbie dolls not idolising them.’ Hair loss, gaunt facial features, dry skin, delayed puberty and bruising are common effects of anorexia. Bulimia is where people eat and then vomit what they have eaten; surprisingly some 1.1 million people in Britain are thought to have bulimia. Instead of eating a normal amount of food they eat excessive quantities (consuming about 20,000 calories a day). The foods they consume are normally categorised ‘comfort foods’ which consists of sweet and sugary food. The long term effects of bulimia are stomach ulcers, dehydration, and irregular heartbeat and in more severe cases heart attack. There isn’t a cure for anorexia or bulimia but if you go to your local hospital or GP and explain to them help is available. There is a local health centre located on Gibson road; also there is Connexions in Sutton High Street. Models are only shown as size zero, where are the plus size models?

Amelia Townend, Year 9, Glenthorne High School