The annual Croydon tram treasure hunt will take place on Thursday, June 10 to raise money for the mayor's chosen charity.

The popular business networking event will see teams of three people travelling around Croydon's tram system and solving cryptic clues to find a treasure chest of prizes.

The event is organised by CMD and sponsored by local companies for the third year running, All the teams will then gather for a prize-giving ceremony, where each member of the winning team will dip into the treasure chest and pick a prize.

The best and worst named teams will also win a prize, before the remaining items are auctioned off, in aid of mayor-to-be Councillor Brenda Kirby's chosen charity.

Coun Kirby will be sworn in as mayor on Monday, May 24, taking over from Councillor Jane Avis.

In September 2002, more than 100 business people in 36 teams took part and helped raise £200 for the Croydon Sports Partnership.

Call 020 8686 2233 for more information or to book your place.