It's often hard to get started in the business world, particularly if you are young. But supporting the next generation of entrepreneurs is one of Croydon Chamber of Commerce's key roles.

While maintaining its support for established Croydon companies and long-term members, the chamber's chief executive Angelina Purcell hopes to make the organisation more accessible to younger members.

She said: "We will always continue to meet the needs of our older members. We have got members that have been with us for 70 years.

"But we also have to recognise the world is changing and we have to meet the needs of younger entrepreneurs too.

"For the younger members, they don't want such formal networking events. They want to hold meetings at bars like Babushka. It's the social element that's important and business comes out of that."

Two of the chamber's younger members, Mitul Patel, 24, and Sharleen Hunter, 28, are currently working on plans to encourage more young entrepreneurs to join.

Mitul, whose company Face2 Face has provided impact marketing services for companies like 3M Healthcare and Ann Summers, explained why joining the chamber was good for his business.

He said: "When I first started at 22 years old, I knew next to nothing about running a business, especially about things like accounting regulations. But other members of the chamber have years and years of experience. The chamber helped me find the experts you need for things like that."

Sharleen Hunter, who runs public relations company Unleashed Potential, agreed that being a member had been a valuable experience.

She said: "Being younger, it can often be hard to get business people to take you seriously at first. But being a member of a recognised organisation makes it easier to gain credibility."