Walking through the Hallowe'en hell of a spooky castle where, once inside, no-one can hear you scream ...

STANDING on the threshold of the Spooky Castle Hallowe'en attraction, I tried to remember I did not believe in ghosts and concentrated on Father Christmas (who, of course, is real).

But as a bell's eerie toll floated from within the castle a shiver ran down my spine.

Swallowing hard and with a final look at sweet daylight I stepped into the darkness.

Something landed on my shoulder and I span round to be confronted by a hideous green zombie sporting stringy silver hair and a mouthful of congealed blood.

I was suitably scared but being aware that reporting the news comes before personal safety I moved on through a mesh of cobwebs with my ears being battered by all manner of hideous noises.

Above my head luminous bats flew wildly and from a coffin smoke crept like a misty blanket towards my feet. The spooky castle was, indeed, spooky.

In reality the spooky castle is a converted barn at the Broadditch Farm Shop, New Barn Road, Southfleet.

The tour took four months to build and all the props and special effects are hand-made using scrap which is donated or found.

For example, a beady-eyed rat which sprang out from beneath a skeleton's bed to nibble my feet was attached to a windscreen wiper arm.

The effect is a raw scare-fest with rough edges just what Hallowe'en should be.

Moving on, I walked over something squidgy. I did not dare look down.

Ahead I saw the shadowy outline of a tall, ominous-looking figure. Undoubtedly a mannequin, I thought, but as I tip-toed past, it lurched at me and dived straight for my neck with razor-sharp fangs.

This was no mannequin. This vampire was real.

Actually it was a man called John Harris who told me this year's tour was bigger than ever before and although it is the fourth time they have made the spooky castle tour each one has been different.

He then told me he wanted to suck my blood so, not possessing a stake, holy water, cross or any bravery, I explained I was expected back at the office shortly and he let me on my way others may not be so lucky.

After another five minutes of treading carefully and avoiding the clawing hands of monsters galore I was back out in the fresh air sucking in the sweet taste of freedom. What a relief.

The Broadditch Farm Shop has all sorts of spooky Hallowe'en adventures for those strong enough to face their fears.

For further information, call the shop on 01474 834161.