Police invited residents to join them in an operation on the Roundshaw Estate, Beddington, to combat drivers who break the law by speeding, holding a hand held mobile phone and not wearing a seat belt.

During a period of 45 minutes on Mollison Drive, 35 people were recorded to have no seat belt and seven drivers exceeded the 20mph zone limit.

On Forresters Drive over the same time period 16 people were recorded for not wearing a seat belt and exceeding the speed limit.

As a result officers sent out letters to drivers advising that if they were found to be repeating these offences then action would be taken.

Beddington South Safer Neighbourhoods Team PCSOs Jane Thompson and Steve Causon organised the operation on Tuesday 12th October following the last ward panel meeting, which involves representatives of the local community and local police officers setting the ward’s policing priorities for the next three months.

Residents had indicated at the meeting that they wanted to be involved in a road safety operation on Mollison Drive and Forresters Drive.

Four volunteers from Mollison and Forresters Drive took part on the day to participate in using the speed gun and in mobile phone and seat belt spotting. PCSO Jane Thompson said: “The residents were very enthusiastic and volunteered to help again at a repeat operation next month.