Smooth-talking teenagers have shown off their verbal dexterity and impressed judges by delivering speeches on everything from environmentalism to political correctness.

Students from Kingston schools competed for the Youth Speaks award organised by Kingston Rotary Club in the Arthur Cotterell Theatre on Tuesday evening.

The winning team, made up of Rosie Parker, Rachel Tookey and Kirushthiga Naguleswaran from Tiffin School, spoke on the subject of 'Only Joking'.

Ms Tookey, who performed at the Edinburgh Festival, spoke about comedy, and will go on with her teammates to represent Kingston at the district final next week.

They were given the Arnold Stenhouse Trophy and cash prizes from Mayor of Kingston councillor Chrissie Hitchcock and Peter Bassett, president of the Rotary Club.

They also won the opportunity to visit Germany in an exchange visit, for a week long trip to an adventure activity centre where they will meet students from France, Poland and Germany.

Cash prizes were awarded to the second place team, Giacomo Camello, Chris Kendall and Dominic O'Sullivan from Richard Challoner School.

Best chairman was Ana Grurinovic from Surbiton High School.

Best vote of thanks on the night was given by Claire Stirling from Kingston College. A special merit award went to Max Coldwell from Kingston College.