Plans to build three two-bedroom terrace houses have been approved despite neighbours’ fears it will increase flooding in the area.

Six applications to build on the engineering works in Alfred Road, Kingston, have been rejected by Kingston town neighbourhood since 2004, including two decisions that were backed by the planning inspector.

Objector Anita Harris told Kingston town neighbourhood on Wednesday, May 25, the new plans were an improvement on previous versions, but raised concerns about the planned building’s height, neighbours’ loss of privacy, and flood risk.

Planning officer Gavin Cooper told councillors Thames Water had not been consulted about the latest application, but said there were no strong grounds to refuse permission.

Councillors approved the plans, but added an informative advising the applicant to contact Thames Water about the availability and capacity of public sewers.

Chairman Councillor Marc Woodall said: “Having looked at the avenues, it’s unlikely any refusal would be allowed on appeal.

“If we were to refuse it, on appeal we might lose further conditions we put on it.”