Shoe boxes containing Christmas gifts will be sent to children in the poorest part of the world thanks to the efforts of generous school pupils.

Children from Thames Ditton Infant School helped fill more than 100 shoeboxes in support of the charity appeal Love in a Box, run by the Mustard Seed Relief Mission.

Pupils spent weeks carefully wrapping and decorating the boxes, each of which contained a £2.50 cheque donated by their parents, friends or relatives. All of the boxes were collected by the organisers of the Love in a Box appeal and over the coming weeks they will be sent to places such as Romania, Ukraine and Moldavia.

Headteacher McCallum-Allen said: “Once again the parents and children from Thames Ditton Infant School have been very generous in supporting the very worthwhile charity Love in a Box.

“The children enjoy bringing in their filled boxes and have been discussing how fortunate they are. This scheme supports many of the schools values such as love, thoughtfulness and happiness.”