By Councillor Gilli Lewis-Lavender, Merton Council (Conservative, West Barnes ward)

I can entirely understand the concern of Martin Mauel and his fellow campaigners about plans for the development of Raynes Park Playing Fields.

This is an issue which I myself have been campaigning on in West Barnes for several years now, along with Conservative colleagues in Lower Morden and Cannon Hill wards.

I am passionately committed to preserving green spaces and maintaining sports facilities within our local area.

Ever since being made aware of the plans, we have consulted closely with residents in the three wards affected, including through public meetings.

Many people have expressed strong views on what is being proposed and I am working with them and local residents associations in opposing this application.

I’m therefore dismayed about the lack of notice given by the developer about the consultation evening they held on December 7.

This is not helping build good links between the developer and local residents.

That’s why I’m pushing the developer for a further public meeting but this time giving sufficient notice to enable residents to attend.

I understand that the Council is shortly due to consult formally on the developer’s revised plans (planning application number 10/P3119) and I would encourage as many people as possible to respond to ensure the voices of residents are heard.  

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