An eight-year-old girl who is donating her birthday presents to charity has busted through her target thanks to a £490 anonymous donation.

Following her appearance on the front page of last week's Wandsworth Guardian, Natalia Efhymiou, of Ulva Road, Putney, was contacted by BBC Radio London which interviewed her on Friday morning about her plans to donate money to charity Action Aid, instead of getting presents for her birthday on January 16.

A spokesperson from the charity also spoke about how the money will help children in Africa.

Her target was £900, £100 for each year of her life.

But as a result of the media coverage she has received a number of donations including one from an anonoymous donor for £490.

Leona Nicholas, Natalia's mum, said: “It is fantastic, really good for Natalia to get so much support.

“She has been really excited, as she didn’t think she would make all of the money. When she heard about the huge donation she could not believe someone could be that generous.”

She came up with the idea after writing her Christmas letter to Santa in December and decided she didn't need anything.

The money will help people suffering from poverty in undeveloped countries.

To make a donation visit