Hospital staff showed their support for an anti-smoking campaign last week, which saw more than one million people trying to kick the habit in the UK.

Workers at St Helier hospital manned a stand in the outpatient department for No Smoking Day on Wednesday (March 14) as part of a national campaign run by the British Heart Foundation.

Dr Martin Stockwell, the NHS Trust’s Joint Medical Director for St Helier, Epsom and Sutton hospitals, said there were “real rewards” for those who broke the habit.

He said: “Making a commitment to quit smoking is one of the best single things people can do, both for their health and for their friends and family.

“People may not find quitting smoking easy, but there are real rewards, including improved health, having more money, whiter teeth, lower stress levels, improved sense of taste and smell, and prevention of premature ageing.

“If you have tried giving up in the past and gone back to smoking, I would urge you to try again. Never give up giving up.”

In addition to the national campaign, the NHS continues to provide a 'Quit Kit' for people trying to stop smoking.

The kit, which is available from the NHS Smokefree website, contains addiction tests, nicotine patches and gum, wall planners and information designed to help smokers to give up.

Dr Stockwell added: “There is a wide range of support available to everyone who wants to stop smoking, but you have to take the first step yourself.”

To find out more about the campaign visit the No Smoking Day website.