Plans to expand the number of primary school places across the borough have sparked anger and confusion.

Wandsworth Council plans to create 24 new forms of entry at primary schools by 2020 to meet a rapidly rising birth rate and consulting to create 210 new places by September 2014.

Broadwater Primary School, Tooting is to expand by 30 places by September 2014, causing outrage among parents.

Laura Brown, chairman of the PTA, said: "One of the most fundamental things is there is not a bunch of people clamouring to get into the school.

"We have a diverse school with lots of different challenges to face - 75 per cent have English as a second language.

"It is important they feel part of a small community."

But parents less than three miles away at Sheringdale Primary School, Southfields, are calling for an additional form of entry as soon as possible.

The school has two nursery school classes, each of 28 children, but just one reception class.

Parents with children in the nursery said they were led to believe the school would be expanding in September this year, making room for the second nursery class.

But plans are now in place to expand the school next year instead.

The first nursery school class is made up of children with siblings at the school who are more likely to be offered a place.

Disappointed parents have launched a petition in an attempt for the school to expand this year, claiming the space is already available.

Lorna Phillips, whose son missed out on a place, said:"We spent a lot of time settling him into this environment, they are starting to integrate them into the big playground.

"Would I have done this if he wasn't to get into the school? Probably not."

The council explained Sheringdale has not been expanded previously because there were spare places at other schools in the immediate vicinity – namely at Riversdale school which is literally only about 150 yards away.

A Wandsworth Council spokesman said: "The council is urging parents across the borough to take part in this public consultation.

"It is important that parents and others in the community tell us their views on our proposals to provide more school places for children in the borough."